
Aug 28, 2015

Be Glorified Oh God Journal Page

This journal page was preconceived, the idea just came to me, which is unusual for me because I usually just sit down with no concept of what I will do and just pour paint directly onto my page without any rhyme or reason.  But I had an idea for this bright green page with all of this growth pouring out in a cluster and this is what I came up with in the process.
I painted the green and added some white and hellow highlights and lettering in with a black sharpie.  I added some stamping and mod podged a group of leafy die cuts below the hand drawn scallops.  I wanted the bottom half to be softer, so I dry brushed some gesso over it.  I added very little journaling to this page, just wanted to illustrate the point.  I really love this 7Gypsies arrow stamp and used it here with the idea that no matter what, I want to lift God up.  Even when it is hardest, I want to glorify Him in my actions.
 My daughter took this amazing photo while we were on a boat at Table Rock, SC.  "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.  Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge.  There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.  Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world."  The earth literally reveals God's glory, we are compelled to join and declare His mighty works.
Thanks for visiting today, take a moment today and absorb the beauty surrounding you.  I'm linking up to Simon Says Anything Goes HERE and Balzer Designs Journal Every Day HERE.


  1. This is very beautiful. I love the colours you used. The gesso you added to soften the bottom half is a great touch. Fab work!
    Hugs! xx

  2. Wow, this is SO pretty! I love all the green.

  3. Just love your inspirational pages - such a perfect message and a beautiful way to share it! God truly made a beautiful world for us. Have a beautiful weekend!

  4. This is so beautiful !!!
    Be blessed,

  5. The vision in your head turned out wonderful. Autumn!

  6. So lovely...that green can be a wonderful relief in the gray of winter (at least here in Ohio) so you can look back at your pages and feel blessed all over again! Beautiful!

  7. This is so beautiful, love the feeing of a summer wood.

    Love and hugs

  8. Fabulous card
    Thank you for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge this week.

    Jo x

  9. Oh, Autumn, this is gorgeous, and I absolutely love the words you've written. It's so very true that God is glorified in the "storm" - whatever it is in our lives that He brings us, He always is with us and uses it for His glory and to grow us to be more like Christ. Yes, be glorified, O God! Thanks for sharing this beautiful journal page and your precious heart for the Lord! Hugs!
