
Nov 20, 2015

Mixed Media Journal Page Happy at Home

journal 1
One evening my girls and I were driving home from an outing and saw this gorgeous sunset.  I wanted to recreate the colors in my mixed media journal.  This page was just layers and layers of paint that I rubbed in with my fingers.  The ovals are a handmade stencil.
I did some soft stamping between layers, so hard to see in these pics.  Used my finger as a stamp to make the dots.
journal 2
 The journaling was done in a Sakura pen that dries super shiny, I love it!  The paint was matte, so it was a great contrast.
journal 3

journal 4
 Here you can see the file folder labels peeking through.  My favorite part of working on this recycled substrate.
journal 5
 Shortly after the flooding in SC, I saw these two rainbows.  In the Upstate we weren't affected like Columbia and Charleston.  Charleston has really been through it this year and my prayers go out to its citizens.
sunset 2
 I am so thankful for this reminder that God will never or forsake His children.
sunset 3
Journal along with Balzar Designs Art Journal Every Day HERE.


  1. There's not better place to draw inspiration than from the beauty that surrounds us Autumn. And you have captures those colours to perfection on your journla pages.

    B x

  2. This is so beautiful Autumn I love how you have captured the awesome sunset what a lovely way to get inspiration
    lorraine x

  3. Oh Autumn this is gorgeous - love the matte and shine contrasts - thanks for the photos too. The rainbows are so hard to capture!

  4. This is wonderful, Autumn!

  5. Wow Autumn, your journal page is just stunning!! I love the colours in your sky, it's almost an exact match to your photo, well done!! Beautiful homemade stencils and I love all the black accents! Stunning! hugs :)

  6. Very nice! I really like the playful feel of this spread. :-)

  7. Oh, Autumn, what glorious beauty God has given us to enjoy while here on earth! You've captured just one of those precious snapshots in the sunset, and how wonderful that He inspired you with that to make this beautiful journaling page. I love it and love how you made it with your hands and fingers. It's gorgeous as are the words you've written. Yes, Charleston has been hard hit, and may we continue to remember them in prayer. And, yes, I praise God that He knows what is best for me more than I do. What a blessing to see this post today, Autumn. Thank you for sharing it and sharing the light of Christ! Hugs, sweet friend!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful photos and your beautiful journal page, Autumn!!!! You have really done great with those fantastic colours and all the lovely texture on your page!!!! Beautifully done!!!!

  9. You perfectly and so beautifully and I have to add, so artistically, captured the sunset on this journal page. I love the flow of the journalling and all the stamping between layers.

  10. So glad I stopped by today and saw this. I have been watching the morning sky and trying to figure out how to incorporate it in my Bible journaling in a unique way and then I see this. So fun, TFS! Hugz

  11. What a wonderful page! It's great to see the inspiration of the sunset - lovely photo - and I can see how those colours made their way into your journalling. Beautiful!
    Alison xx
