
Oct 28, 2016

7 Dots Magic School by Marina Syskova

It's no secret that I am a lover of mixed media.  When Marina Syskova announced her new joint venture Magic School with 7 Dots Studio - I about flipped my lid!  Woo hoo!  To learn from some of these great creative minds is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  So despite the busy holiday season approaching (and my desire to do December Daily), I am jumping in for this four week course beginning November 11.  The challenge promises to be exciting and I can't wait!  What about you?  Will you join this venture?  Find all the details on Marina's blog HERE.


  1. It sounds like so much fun!! I totally want to join so I'm going to check it out!! Thanks for the info!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. Thanks so much, Autumn, for the info! I am also going to check it out! Enjoy the weekend! Hugs! Branka xx

  3. Have fun! It will be great seeing what you do with the new skills and ideas! hugs, de

  4. totally looks amazing! Thanks for the share Autumn!
    huge hugs,Jackie

  5. Oh, Autumn, I am so excited that you are going to go for this four-week's perfect for you! You can always do another 30 Day Color Challenge...this is just for you! Looking forward to seeing all you learn afterwards! Hugs, sweet friend...and enjoy! xoxo

  6. Thanks for the heads up with the new classes. I am amazed at all the activities you manage to cram into your life, and do each one so excellently. Can't wait to see what wonderful things you'll share from your class info. I know it will be terrific. TFS

  7. Looks interesting. Off to check it out b
