
Nov 11, 2016

Happy Veterans Day

I rarely post personal things on my blog, but today I wanted to share a special Veteran's Day wish to those who served.  This picture is of my hubby with our four kiddos taken several years ago.  I love it because all of my favorite people are together.  My husband and I married at the young age of 21 and he joined the army to support us.  He was in Iraq when our oldest son was born.  He gave up a lot for his country and I am so proud of him.  For once, I will share a card inside which deserves more recognition than the card outside.

To all of our service men and women, thank you sincerely for your sacrifices for our freedom.  Happy Veteran's Day!


  1. Beautiful family Autumn! Please extend my sincere THANKS to your husband for his service in protecting my freedom and our country! GOD BLESS!

  2. Thank you to your husband for his service to our country.

  3. What a beautiful post and a beautiful picture of your family, Autumn!! Thank your husband so much for his service!! Happy Veteran's Day!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. Beautifully said, Autumn. And we can NEVER thank those who ensure our safety enough. My dad was on 17 when he fought on Iwo Jima and Okinawa - and I think of what that cost him emotionally and physically. He was in Tokyo Bay when the surrender was delivered. They were excited the end was there, as they were preparing to invade. My husband also served in the Navy, and I'm grateful for the time he spent there, and helped keep our country safe. Our military personnel can never be thanked enough, regardless of their role - they are all vital.

    Our deployed soldiers today have it more difficult I think, because it's hard to determine who is the enemy, and who they can help. Our troops are so caring, and yet others can easily take advantage of them.

    Thanks to families such as yours who keep our troops motivated with their love and support. I cannot imagine how difficult it would be without that - and your many sacrifices.


  5. Such a wonderful post Autumn. My Grandad and my Dad fought for their country and my Brother has recently retired from the Navy. We call Armistice Day, Remembrance Day here in the UK - I hope we never forget to remember all our heroes. xx

  6. You really can be proud of your wonderful husband and your lovely kids!
    And I am sure your husband is just as much proud of you!

    oxo Susi

  7. Beautifully written Autumn, happy Remembrance Day to you, your hubby and your lovely family xxx

  8. Ahhh - this is such a special post Autumn. What a precious family. Blessings to each of you. Xj.

  9. Got goosebumps. Thank your hubs, and good for you. I always think of our vets (year-round), but I also think of the family unit that stays behind the scenes and keeps the home fires burning!

  10. I enjoyed reading your amazing post, Autumn! What a beautiful family photo! Happy Veteran's Day, my friend! Big hugs! Branka xx

  11. You have a beautiful family Autumn!! Well done to your hubbie. Nicola x

  12. What a lovely post, Autumn! I'm so glad you posted a photo of your beautiful family and that heartfelt message to your hubby. Very touching! xx

  13. Such a beautiful post Autumn...thank you for sharing. You have a wonderful family!

  14. Such a lovely post Autumn, thank you for sharing
    Please tell your husband thank you from our house for his service- we very much appreciate him and all the other service members!

  15. Autumn, this is the sweetest post. Your husband's service is very much appreciated :-) So nice to see the pic of your beautiful family. Hugs :-)
