May 11, 2016

Coin Envelope Mini Album

mini 1

I hope you all had a lovely Mother's Day weekend.  I am knee deep in the art room merger and working on some larger projects that I will share soon.  I unearthed hidden treasure in my mom's room (not just in art supplies), finding this lovely little mini album that I made at a Kristi Steiner class in Saluda, NC.  I just had to share it with you, as it is my favorite class project ever!

mini 2

Each tiny envelope is decorated with a simple collage, such as this acorn stuffed with pearls over a gesso resist.

mini 3

After the class, I made this second book for my mom.  I printed and collaged various scriptures about love.  I'll have to dig out my first piece and share in the future.

mini 4

Here a twig is wrapped with wire and beads.  Kristi teaches how to use everyday items to create such amazing works of art.

mini 5

The coin envelopes and tags are all different sizes.

mini 6

Another wired on collage.  The finished mini album is a little bundle of goodness, so fun and unique.

mini 7

And my favorite page, where I added a "window" from acetate and used a cigar label to create a focal point.  It's funny that all these years later, this is a style that I'm drawn back to.  This looks like I could have made it yesterday.  Timeless art!  Gotta love it!  Have a lovely day, Autumn


Mac Mable said...

So very glad I found your blog as your projects are so inspirational, creative and fabulous! This project is no exception, one very creative lady, thank you for sharing x

brenda said...

It's so nice to come across forgotten treasured Autumn and so pleased you shared it as it's lovely and as you rightly say "timeless art".

B x

Words and Pictures said...

So glad this reached the light of day again - you're right, it's absolutely stunning! What a gorgeous limited colour palette and exquisite embellishing, layering and words.
Alison x

Donna Ellis said...

A fun, marvelous gift for your mom, and a beautiful, fun project to play with! I love the ideas of combining nature's elements with jewels and precious metals. The colors are precious - so beautiful, Autumn! Thank you for sharing from your class! Hope you are enjoying a wonderful week! hugs, de

Anita Houston The Artful Maven said...

This is fabulous...glad you decided to share! I LOVE each tag...just eye candy!

Lisa said...

Wow, this is absolutely stunning, Autumn!! The details and design are amazing!! I love the colors and all of the embellies you added!! I'm so glad you shared this!! What a gorgeous project it is!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

A wonderful, wonderful project and you took some stunning photos of it! I agree with the previous comment - pure eye candy!

Astrid Maclean said...

How wonderful you are sharing this, every little corner of it looks fabulous, love it!!

rachel said...

stunning work Autumn - absolutely gorgeous! your designs are superb! Hugs rachel x

Lin said...

This must have been a wonderful class, Autumn, I love your results! My favorite color and motifs!

experiments in paper said...

What a wonderful memory and project, Autumn! Love that you made another one for your mom..... I am catching up, and loving reading through your recent blog posts! xxx Lynn

kiwimeskreations said...

How beautiful Autumn - fabulous colours and textures, and scripture.

Brenda Brown said...

Timeless indeed Autumn and very beautiful. The whole concept of the bags and the fabulous collages created a brilliant project xxx

SD pooja said...

Its relly wonderful..I loved the backgrounds and tiny embellishments !

sarascloset said...

Ok, so I'm in love a second time within one hour! autumn, this coin envelope book is a delightful treasure! So happy you were able to share this walk down memory lane with us, because it goes to show us your art IS timeless! Sometime I find old things I've made and say to myself "what was I thinking?". I love the nature motif, the scriptures, and those beautiful colors! Big hugs!

Susan said...

Love this little album! It's gorgeous.

Redanne said...

What a delightful post Autumn, I have so enjoyed looking through this wonderful creation, page by page - I can totally see why it is your favourite project! Hugs, Anne xx

Beulah Bee said...

I am drawn to the aged blue and greens in this project, what a great class experience and treasure to keep. I've heard that it's best to put away a work for awhile before you decide that it's done. When you look at it again with fresh eyes, you'll see it differently. Perhaps that's what happened here and you are more aware now (more confident with experience) of just how lovely it was and is?

Jinny Newlin said...

LOL! It IS packed to the brim with beautiful treasures. So fun! You never fail to inspire.

Marty F said...

This is just precious - each little envelope unique and so pretty. How clever to use a cigar label!! Love it :-)

nwilliams6 said...

Another totally cool album. You have been super busy lately with some totally awesome projects. Thanks for the inspiration! Hugz

Connie Mercer said...

These are really pretty :)

Cheryl said...

These colors are gorgeous!

Mimi said...

Autumn, how the heck did I miss this? I've been so busy that I thought, "You know, I'll just go see if I've missed anything at SPP..." Gasp! This is awesome. Isn't it so cool when you see something jumps out as "True-you"? Heart

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